Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty
Ultrasonic technologies are now used in rhinoplasty operations. To achieve good results in rhinoplasty surgeries, experts have a wide range of tools, including bone saw, carbide rasp and power-assisted rasp. However, each of these tools pushes their own limits.
Now, surgeons performing rhinoplasty surgeries use ultrasonic tools that provide more precise and accurate results instead of traditional rhinoplasty tools in correcting the nasal bones.

Ultrasonic bone aspirator
It uses sound waves that do not damage the surrounding membranes, nerves, vessels, bone cells and tissue to remove or shape bones. These devices also help surgeons correct minimal deformities, asymmetries, and eliminate major deformations such as nasal deviation. Originally, the ultrasonic bone aspirator was developed for neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery. Because it allows the removal of small bone fragments without damaging the surrounding tissues. This device produces very little heat and uses a combination of irrigation and suction (vacuuming).
Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty
Jewel D. Greywoode, M.D., and Edmund A. Pribitkin, M.D., from the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, examined 103 patients who underwent rhinoplasty. The ultrasonic bone aspirator has been used for both traditional procedures and aesthetic improvements. Cartilage treatment with an ultrasonic device and cartilages without tissue damage treatment were evaluated together. In studies, patients showed normal or significant improvement in terms of structural and cosmetic results. If you are interested in ultrasonic or traditional rhinoplasty / rhinoplasty surgery, you can contact your doctor to make an appointment or have surgery.
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